2020 Annual General Meeting
Notice to Members
Friday, February 12, 2021,
12:00 PM EST
The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom and the link will be shared with registered delegates at a later date.
CFLA-FCAB governance is subject to the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, S.C. 2009, c.C-32 (the “Act”) and CFLA-FCAB Bylaw Number One. Our Bylaws require a General Meeting (AGM) of Members to be convened on an annual basis. The purpose of the AGM is to:
- report on the activities of the Federation;
- ask for ratification of resolutions requiring membership support;
- elect directors for open positions on the CFLA-FCAB Board of Directors; ∙ present to the Members a Review Engagement Report of the Federation for the previous fiscal year; and
- allow Members to ratify the selection of a public accountant who will review CFLA-FCAB’s 2019 financial statements.
The Act requires that the AGM be held within six months of the end of the previous fiscal year. CFLA-FCAB’s last fiscal year ended August 31, 2020. In addition, per Section 29 of the CFLA-FCAB Bylaws, CFLA-FCAB is permitted to host the member meeting entirely by electronic means.
Any interested member of the library community is welcome to attend the virtual CFLA-FCAB AGM. Individuals who wish to attend must preregister by February 1 via email to rraven@cfla-fcab.ca
Only official representatives of member associations are eligible to vote.
Representatives must be declared by February 1 by submitting the accompanying delegate form. Members of the Federation include:
- Administrators of Medium-Sized Public Libraries of Ontario (1 vote)
- Association des bibliothèques publiques du Québec (2 votes)
- Association des bibliothécaires du Québec – Quebec Library Association (1 vote)
- Association of British Columbia Public Library Directors (1 vote)
- Atlantic Provinces Library Association (1 vote)
- British Columbia Library Association (2 votes)
- British Columbia Library Trustees Association (1 vote)
- Canadian Association of Law Librarians (1 vote)
- Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians / l’Association canadienne des bibliothécaires académiques professionnels (CAPAL/ACBAP) (1 vote)
- Canadian Association of Research Libraries/ L’Association des bibliothèques de recherche du Canada (3 votes)
- Canadian Council of Archives/Conseil Canadian des archives (1 vote)
- Canadian Health Libraries Association/Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada (1 vote)
- Canadian School Libraries (1 vote)
- Canadian Urban Libraries Council (CULC) / Conseil des bibliothèques urbaines du Canada (3 votes)
- Ex Libris Association (1 vote)
- Federation of Ontario Public Libraries (2 votes)
- Library Association of Alberta (1 vote)
- Manitoba Library Association (1 vote)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Library Association (1 vote)
- Northwest Territories Library Association (1 vote)
- Nova Scotia Library Association (1 vote)
- Nunavut Library Association (1 vote)
- Ontario Library Association (3 votes)
- Saskatchewan Library Association (1 vote)
- Yukon Library Association (1 vote)
Associations that join the Federation by February 1, 2021 will be eligible to cast one or more votes in accordance with the terms set out in the Bylaws.
Formal voting will be conducted using the online voting platform Simply Voting (simplyvoting.com) Information regarding voting procedures will be shared with all registered voting delegates prior to the AGM.
The following matters require a membership vote at the Annual General
Under the Act, CFLA-FCAB must provide its members with a Review Engagement Report for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2020.
For the 2021 Fiscal Year, the Board requests that the Members ratify the selection of Ouseley Hanvey Clipsham Deep, as public accountants for CFLA-FCAB.
Under the Act, CFLA-FCAB must obtain member approval to conduct a Review Engagement rather than a full Audit.
For the 2021 fiscal year, the Board requests that the Members approve a Review
Engagement to be conducted by the public accountant.
As per Bylaw No. 1, Section 32. Board Composition, at each Annual Meeting of Members where the election of Directors is required, the Members shall elect Directors to fill vacancies.
The Board presents the following candidates to be elected to the Board at the February 12, 2021 AGM to serve on the Board of Directors for a 2-year term commencing February 12, 2021:
- Todd Mundle – British Columbia
- Graeme Tennant – Northern Territories
- Ann Smith – Atlantic Provinces
- Sharon Rankin – Quebec
- Kirk McLeod (Alberta)
- Vivian Lewis (CARL/ABRC)
- Mary Chevreau (CULC/CBUC)
- Julie McKenna (Prairie Provinces – Saskatchewan and Manitoba)
- Todd Kyle (Central Canada – Ontario)
An election will be taking place for the position of Francophone representative:
- Katya Borras (ABPQ)
- Hélène Carrier (OLA)
Members may put forward proposals to be considered at the Annual General Meeting.
Any member organization wishing to do so must notify Rebecca Raven
(rraven@cfla-fcab.ca) (notice of motion attached) no later than Wednesday January
13, 2021 adhering to the stipulations outlined in Bylaw No. 1:
- Notice of Motion. A notice of motion that will introduce business to the
Corporation’s meeting shall be in writing, indicating the Member organization, signed by the person introducing the business, and shall be submitted to the head office of the Corporation at least 30 days prior to the meeting. It shall be included in the agenda of the meeting under new business or as appropriate by the Chair of the meeting.
A member who brings a substantive motion to the meeting without previous notice, will be permitted three minutes to explain the proposal before the motion is referred to the Board of Directors or an appropriate standing committee.
Alternatively, motions for which insufficient notice has been given and that the substance or timing indicate urgency, shall only be considered by the members when a vote of 2/3 of the members present and voting permit it to be placed on the floor for discussion and decision.
- Cost of Publishing Proposals for Annual Members’ Meetings. The Member who submitted the Proposal shall pay the cost of including the Proposal and any statement in the notice of meeting at which the Proposal is to be presented unless otherwise provided by Ordinary Resolution of the Members present at the meeting.
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM EST
Friday, February 12, 2021
Online: https://zoom.us/j/95442852819?pwd=cXN2THFTUk4vVll1MjVHOGlXOUl1dz09
Please sign in at 11:45 AM EST
- Welcome and Introductions (Julie McKenna, Chair)
- Verification of Quorum (Kirk McLeod, Secretary)
- Standing Rules of Order
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of the minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting
- Report from the Chair
- Treasurer’s Report (Mary Chevreau, Treasurer)
- Presentation of Public Accountant Review Engagement
Resolution 2021-01: The membership acknowledges receipt of the
Public Accountant Review Engagement dated August 31, 2020.
Annual General Meeting – Agenda – 2
- Appointment of Public Accountant
Resolution 2021-02: The membership accepts the Board
recommendation to select Ousley, Hanvey, Clipsham, Deep, as Public Accountants for the 2021 fiscal year.
- Executive Director’s Report
- Secretary’s Report (Kirk McLeod, Secretary)
- Presentation of Slate of Candidates and Call for Nominations from the Floor
Resolution 2021-03: The membership accepts the slate of candidates nominated in accordance with Bylaw No. 1 to serve on the Board of