October 21 is Canadian Library Workers Day!

Great libraries can be about great collections or great buildings but in the 21st century they’re also about great people. Without library workers libraries simply cannot function. Libraries rely on their staff to provide service to their communities and to help their libraries and communities grow. The vital contribution of library workers to libraries and communities across our country deserves national recognition.

CFLA-FCAB has designated the third Friday in October as Canadian Library Workers Day.  CLWD is a day for Canadians to recognize the valuable contributions made by all those who work in and for the public, academic, school, government, academic, corporate and private libraries that are integral to our communities.

Canadian Library Workers Day is recognized during Canadian Library Month, an annual celebration of libraries, library workers, and the services they provide to their communities.

On behalf of the Canadian Federation of Library Associations / Fédération Canadienne des Associations de Bibliothèques (CFLA-FCAB) we are very pleased to proclaim October  21, 2016 as Canadian Library Workers Day.

Donna Bourne-Tyson & Paul Takala

Co-Chairs, CFLA-FCAB