The Canadian Federation of Library Associations / Fédération canadienne des associations de bibliothèques (CFLA/FCAB) endorses the American Library Association (ALA) statement issued January 30, 2017 defending library core values and condemning recent events in their country. CFLA/FCAB champions values that include access to information, privacy, democracy, equity, diversity and inclusion, intellectual freedom, and social responsibility. Libraries are safe and inclusive spaces that build social capital and support discovery and creation. CFLA/FCAB and Canadian libraries stand together in unity with our American library colleagues in support of welcoming and inclusive communities.
News – Nouvelles
- CFLA-FCAB’s Indigenous Matters Committee’s Community of Practice Invite
- CFLA-FCAB 2024 Fall Newsletter
- Final Report of the Cataloguing Code of Ethics Review Working Group (CCERWG) to the Cataloguing and Metadata Standards Committee (CMSC) of the Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA-FCAB) | Rapport final du Groupe de travail sur l’examen du Code d’éthique de catalogage (GTECEC) du Comité sur les normes relatives au catalogage et aux métadonnées (CNCM) de la Fédération canadienne des associations de bibliothèques (FCAB- CFLA)