Cataloguing and Metadata Standards Committee
The Cataloguing and Metadata Standards Committee will:
- Advise the Board when CFLA-FCAB needs to develop and promote its library communities’ positions on cataloguing and metadata standards and issues. The Committee will oversee the development of appropriate position statements and supporting documentation and strategies.
- Select members to represent CFLA-FCAB on the Canadian Committee on Cataloguing (CCC) and the Canadian Committee on Metadata Exchange (CCM) when vacancies arise as notified by the chair of each committee.
The particular responsibilities of the Cataloguing and Metadata Committee are:
- Engage with existing communities and / or working groups within CFLA-FCAB members to ensure regional representation and acceptable level of technical knowledge when selecting and appointing members for the Canadian Committee on Cataloguing (CCC) and the Canadian Committee on Metadata Exchange (CCM).
- Engage with existing communities and / or working groups within CFLA-FCAB members to foster collaboration and maximize the impact of advocacy on cataloguing and metadata issues / standards.
- Review and confirm pre-existing CLA and CLA Technical Services Network (TSN) positions on cataloguing and metadata matters
- Advise CFLA-FCAB on appropriate representatives to national, regional, or international meetings where a Canadian voice on cataloguing and metadata issues is required
- Advise CFLA-FCAB as appropriate on issues relating to RDA Toolkit and the RDA Copyright Holders group.
- Engage with existing communities and / or working groups within CFLA-FCAB members to promote cataloguing and metadata training and professional development.
In order to fulfill its responsibilities, the Committee will deliver the following with the support of the Executive Director and others as required:
- The creation and maintenance of a section of the CFLA-FCAB website dedicated to providing CFLA-FCAB’s advocacy position on cataloguing and metadata issues and supporting documentation for the Cataloguing and Metadata Committee.
- Position statements and / or advocacy letters as the need arises
- Operate an email list to notify and inform the Canadian library communities on cataloguing and metadata issues
Procedural rules
- Christopher Carr – Chair (Association des bibliothécaires du Québec Library Association)
- Emma Cross – Secretary (Ontario Library Association)
- Doug Kariel (Library Association of Alberta)
- Stacey Lee (Manitoba Library Association)
- Devon Lemire (Saskatchewan Library Association)
- Anne LaPage (Atlantic Provinces Library Association)
- Graeme Tennant (Northern Libraries Working Group – Northwest Territories Library Association, Yukon Library Association, Nunavut Library Association)
- Ryan Vernon (British Columbia Library Association / Cataloguing and Technical Services Interest Group)
- Nora Hehemann (Liaison to CFLA-FCAB Board)
Chair and Secretary serve 3-year terms which are renewable. Chair and Secretary continue to represent their member organization.
Membership will be updated as CFLA-FCAB engages with its member associations and representatives are identified. When possible, the Committee should have representation from across Canada and from different library sectors.
Past Members
- Carol Rigby (Northern Libraries Working Group – Northwest Territories Library Association, Yukon Library Association, Nunavut Library Association) 2017-2020
- Amy Lorencz (Atlantic Provinces Library Association) 2018-2021
The Committee will meet 2 times a year commencing in September, 2017 or more frequently if needed. Meetings will be held by conference call.
A record of decisions will be kept and circulated to the members of the Committee, the Executive Director, and the Chair of the CFLA-FCAB Board of Directors. Minutes will be posted to the Committee website once approved by the Committee Chair and the Chair of the CFLA-FCAB Board of Directors
Recommendations and reports
Committee recommendations and reports will be submitted in writing to the CFLA-FCAB Board. Documents will include both suggested action and justification for the recommendations. The Chair of the Cataloguing and Metadata Committee (if not a board member) or other designated representative of the Committee will be invited to attend any session during which recommendations and reports are scheduled to be discussed.