On behalf of the CFLA-FCAB Board, I am very pleased to post this Paper summarizing the proceedings and discussions at our first National Forum held in conjunction with the Saskatchewan Library Association conference in Regina, SK on May 2, 2018.

We had over 150 participants attend in person, and many more through our Facebook Live feed and through our online feedback form contributing to the discussion and helping to form the outcomes and recommendations for the library community to consider moving forward.

I want to thank all of the speakers, moderators, and participants for making this inaugural Forum such a success.

We do not consider this Paper as an end goal, but rather to be the beginning of future conversations.

Please feel free to contact me, our Executive Director Katherine McColgan (kmccolgan@cfla-fcab.ca), or your local CFLA-FCAB Board member if you would like to discuss the issues raised in the report further.

Please click here for the Paper.