The Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA-FCAB) reminds all Libraries that June 21 is National Aboriginal Day.

At the CLA Forum in Ottawa in June 2016 the Federation Board adopted the following as its first priority: to promote initiatives in all types of libraries to advance reconciliation by supporting the Truth and Reconciliation Council’s calls to action. In particular, libraries support the telling of the story of indigenous peoples and the education of all Canadians in indigenous culture and history.

CFLA-FCAB looks forward to working together to ensure all Canadians gain a greater knowledge and understanding of First Nations, Inuit and Métis cultures, traditions and their contributions to Canada. Participation in National Aboriginal Day is one way to advance that essential priority.

Paul Takala
Canadian Federation of Library Associations (CFLA-FCAB)

National Aboriginal Day

Madam, Sir:

Each year, June offers a special opportunity for all Canadians to gain a greater knowledge and understanding of First Nations, Inuit and Métis cultures, traditions and their contributions to Canada.

Since 2010, Canada has recognized June as National Aboriginal History Month. This year, on June 21 National Aboriginal Day celebrates 20 years of strong and vibrant cultures and traditions across the country.

We encourage Canadians to honour the shared history of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada through respect and healing and build an understanding of how the past has shaped our present. Together we can move forward to a better future for all Canadians.
I invite you to share National Aboriginal Day messages with your colleagues and memberships, as well as invite them to participate in National Aboriginal Day events and activities.
What can you do for National Aboriginal Day?

      post your event at
      order National Aboriginal Day information products for kids (activity guide, poster, puzzles, temporary tattoos and more) for distribution;
      display a National Aboriginal Day poster;
      download a ringtone or wallpaper on your digital device to show your support;
      use #NADCanada to join the conversations on Twitter and Facebook and tag their photos on Flickr to share their celebration;
       watch National Aboriginal Day information videos on the INAC YouTube channel;
       visit Flickr to see National Aboriginal Day from across Canada; and
      learn more about Canada’s Gestures of Reconciliation.

Consult for more information, including a list of 2016 events, downloadable resources and suggestions for activities. National Aboriginal Day is part of the Celebrate Canada program, which also includes Saint-Jean Baptiste Day (June 24), Canadian Multiculturalism Day (June 27) and Canada Day (July 1).

As a country, we will celebrate Canada’s 150th Anniversary as a confederation on July 1st, 2017 – Canada Day! Let us use the momentum and energy from this year’s celebration to begin planning toward this wonderful milestone as a nation.

Join us in this celebration! Regularly check our website and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to participate in the conversation and share your celebration

Shirley Anne Off
Acting Director General, Communications
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada